Way to go Sapphire!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Only on Mikey's board.
Ken's post 8:23
Richards: 8:26

What is it that you do for a living Richard ?

Sorry to leave the action boys. I have to go to work.
Greening one household at a time- America!

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Its a joke reffering to the SS statement being unprofessional while thats what this board's unashamed inyo face were the best attitude. but peeps still post here. I think its funny how will swallow a camel and strain a nat.

Ps I do find some statement's unprovable and not worth the extra headache to debate. Oppinion's please????
Oddly, this is perfectly clear to me. Translation: Sometimes major hooey is accepted without question and sometimes a mountain is made out of a molehill. An opinion based on observation may not be scientifically provable - which doesn't mean isn't true.

If I say that a lot of my fellow cleaners become "experts" in some specialty just by putting lettering on their truck that says so, am I: Lying? Being too negative about my industry? Or, since I can back up our company's claims of expertise, just getting a competitive edge by suggesting my customers do their homework? Do I have to publish a list of cheaters along with the statement?

Or is it better to be perfectly PC and let my customers (remember I'm supposed to care about them) get fleeced by the jackasses (that I'll pretend don't exist) so that no one can criticize my motives?

My advice to Hank would be to continue to post as suits his personality. His posts will be more interesting and more honest than if he tries to bland every statement into paper paste in order to keep from offending someone. I'd say that even if I hadn't also observed more than one person in this industry that cares ONLY about their income stream. I'm not naming them either.

Hope there's room on Hank's Island.

PS: To be fair, I like the vast majority of the people I've met in this industry, whether cleaning company owners, techs, suppliers or manufacturers. I also understand the concept of the fear of bringing some embarrassment to my company by failing to to account for those with no sense or sense of humor. <I don't quite have this down. Must work on my "Chavez Wiggle" :winky:
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Oz, if they don't have a sense of humor fookem! :p

Oops I guess that's not exactly PC, oh well, fook the whiny PC'ers too! :lol:

If I say that a lot of my fellow cleaners become "experts" in some specialty just by putting lettering on their truck that says so, am I: Lying?

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007

If I say that a lot of my fellow cleaners become "experts" in some specialty just by putting lettering on their truck that says so, am I: Lying? Being too negative about my industry? " :winky:

That's too funny , I was that guy when I started cleaning rugs the second time around. The fact was that many members of this board were the experts and I had knowledge passed down from them while I've learned/am learning. I should probably keep bad about that to some degree but I don't:very_drunk:


I'm happy that Hank is excited and proud to be part of the team at Legend Brands as I'm sure everyone else on this board expects their associates/employee's/folks to be of their business. But for the record he won't be drawn any further into defending his statement, which is based on his experience and beliefs.

more like a gag order

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
So...... I guess Mr. Unck has no plans to clarify his statements???

I'd say that's a safe bet

I'm happy that Hank is excited and proud to be part of the team at Legend Brands as I'm sure everyone else on this board expects their associates/employee's/folks to be of their business. But for the record he won't be drawn any further into defending his statement,

There you have it..right from Hank's Bossman



Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
If there was nothin wrong about what Hank said than why is Bill shutting him down? Seems a lil contradicting.


Aug 9, 2012
sam miller
I also dont like two faced people.

all my true friends in life display their asshole gene very prominently.

I tend to associate with hard hitting mother f*ckers. I find them more interesting, easy to deal with and be around.

The Dale Carnegie types who play silly games just aint worth the effort, no matter how much beer they share.

and that was in no way a dig at you Ofer, you stuck up Owner Operator Greenf-ag.

or Ken, or John.

Your such a tough guy eats some fruit already. :icon_cool: ps I liked Dale Carnegie!:stir:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Oddly, this is perfectly clear to me. Translation: Sometimes major hooey is accepted without question and sometimes a mountain is made out of a molehill. An opinion based on observation may not be scientifically provable - which doesn't mean isn't true.

If I say that a lot of my fellow cleaners become "experts" in some specialty just by putting lettering on their truck that says so, am I: Lying? Being too negative about my industry? Or, since I can back up our company's claims of expertise, just getting a competitive edge by suggesting my customers do their homework? Do I have to publish a list of cheaters along with the statement?

Or is it better to be perfectly PC and let my customers (remember I'm supposed to care about them) get fleeced by the jackasses (that I'll pretend don't exist) so that no one can criticize my motives?

My advice to Hank would be to continue to post as suits his personality. His posts will be more interesting and more honest than if he tries to bland every statement into paper paste in order to keep from offending someone. I'd say that even if I hadn't also observed more than one person in this industry that cares ONLY about their income stream. I'm not naming them either.

Hope there's room on Hank's Island.

PS: To be fair, I like the vast majority of the people I've met in this industry, whether cleaning company owners, techs, suppliers or manufacturers. I also understand the concept of the fear of bringing some embarrassment to my company by failing to to account for those with no sense or sense of humor. <I don't quite have this down. Must work on my "Chavez Wiggle" :winky:

Due to Bryan's flowery logic, (:winky:) I'd like to translate what he says as an "expert" service to the uninitated:
Though Hank's statement was self serving, Bryan liked it due to its entertainment value.

As per his fellow cleaners posting the expert claim on their trucks. I guess an equivalent violation will be, say, a company that declares about themselves: Trusted Service Since 1935.
Even trusted companies since 1935 know that there is huge difference between saying something positive about themselves and putting down the competition.
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Jul 30, 2012
Tempe, AZ
Hank Unck
"Some manufacturers don't care that much for our industry and, some care even less, as long as you buy their products. But, Sapphire and Dri-Eaz do not have a "give me your money and go away" mentality. That's why, when I was approached by Bob Kline, President of SS, to work the Board for them, it didn't take long for me to say "yes", because I've always been the kind of person who cares about the industry, and the individual we serve. Thus, Sapphire's mentality and attitude, and mine, mesh perfectly."

Hank, I don't believe we have ever met so I will assume that you are an honorable man. I especially liked your acknowledgement of Lee Pemberton, whom along with his son Jim I feel are 2 of the most honorable people I have ever met in my life in any industry.

I was troubled to read the above purple bolded comments and wondered what you base those comments on and why you felt a need to post them. I have not ever felt this way about any of the vendors I know in the industry and in fact think quite the opposite and I am a customer, not a competitor.

Would you elaborate on those comments?


Ken, your question is a fair one and deserves to be answered. It may appear that I was ignoring your post but, in fact, I was on vacation for a week.

My comment is rooted in the fact that in the 21 years I’ve been in this industry, I have been approached many times by companies who have tried to recruit me. I would agree to meet with a manufacturer or supplier. At some of those meetings, during interviews or casual conversations, something would be mentioned along the lines that they have little regard for this industry, but as long as it generates revenue for them, they’ll tolerate the industry. Kind of like saying, “Fork over your money for our goods, but don’t bother us.”

The industry, in general, wouldn’t know that, because the public face they present in pr, advertising, promotion, trade shows, etc. is, by necessity, industry-friendly, even if the internal corporate attitude toward the industry is not. I can say, from he ones I experienced, that the more positive ones did outnumber the ones that didn't care much, and the culture or attitude in some of the companies may have changed for the better, since my discussions with them.

As for Sapphire Scientific, besides being a company that is industry and customer friendly - and cares, what sold me on them, when they asked me if I would work MB for them, is the very fact that Sapphire is a visible presence on the Board. There are a lot of companies, even good industry-friendly ones, that don’t want to expose themselves to the barbs, slings and arrows that are often aimed at manufacturers on forums and blogs, and who don't spend the resources to be visible to, and read the posts from those who participate on Mikey's Board - the ones, like you, who are the real voices of this Industry.

My responsibility to Sapphire is not to expound on my own personal feelings, experiences and rhetoric, so I don’t want to address this any further, but I did think that a an explanation of my original posted statement was a reasonable expectation for forum readers, so thank you for asking me to elaborate.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Thanks so much Hank~ that was exactly what I was hoping you would say. I regret I didn't just private message you rather than create this 7 page nightmare.

Thanks again,
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