The Ivan Turner interview


Oct 7, 2006
I was just flabbergasted to hear a good buddy of Scott's say out aloud that the leadership of the iicrc should all be fired.


Oct 7, 2006
harryhides said:
I was just flabbergasted to hear a good buddy of Scott's say out aloud that the leadership of the iicrc should all be fired.

Well you're my friend too, aren't you? You say that on a daily basis!



Oct 7, 2006
Scott said:
harryhides said:
I was just flabbergasted to hear a good buddy of Scott's say out aloud that the leadership of the iicrc should all be fired.

Well you're my friend too, aren't you? You say that on a daily basis!

Now, now Scott, nice try. I already have enough people who think that just because I'm for improving the org that I agin it. But it just isn't so, I'm all for education and a strong and united voice for our industry and anything that will make it more appealing, inclusive, open and vigorous. I've never once said that the current leadership should be fired though I suspect that if every CF or every Certified Tech was given a vote that that is what would happen.


Feb 2, 2007
There are definitely a bunch of aspiring gurus with (plenty of money) selling packages that cost thousands of dollars and are little more than "boilerplate" information. I paged through one system at Craig Jasper's one day event last year and found it laughable. Most of the information is covered in business management 101( around $100) at your local community college or anyone of a thousand books at the library(free). Anyone buying any of these systems better insist on a money back guarantee, as like with many informational products some are a real joke. Dan Kennedy's magnetic marketing & any product by Jay Abraham are exceptional products and available off ebay for next to nothing.

On the operational side of running a business Chet Holmes has a great video program that often resells for as little as $200 on ebay. Twenty six videos, and about 40 hours (week long live seminar taped). All three of these guys have been tremendously successful RUNNING BUSINESSES THAT THEY STARTED AND STILL OWN and are excellent teachers/ coaches. Micheal Gerber's live seminar is available from nightingale Conant for $70. Some of the carpet cleaning industry's gurus on the other hand ,haven't been that successful in reality. Don't be their next victim, any reputable program will offer a money back guarantee.


Oct 9, 2006
This what I KNOW.

Ivan is as sincere as they get when it comes to intentions. He is real laid back as came through in the webinar--however, he will tell you what he thinks, not the PC response to a difficult question.

He has helped me tremendously. Just for starters, he taught me a way to write our Xactimate estimates that have changed the whole adjuster experience. Two floods recently, the adjuster never even came out to the site. I paid Ivan a total of $0.00 for that lil nugget.

I have seen portions of his programs. I can assure you you ain't getting that info at a community college or any class unless you have one that offers Restoration Business 510. It is in fact, the most comprehensive Restoration Business management material out there. The depth is mind boggling and I can't imagine how much time he has put into this. And of course there is restoration marketing. Again, very different approach. Ivan thinks "outside the box" would be an understatement.

To be honest, I told him straight out that he should be charging WAY more for his programs based on what I have seen. WAY MORE. But, I really don't think it is about money with him.

He is a friend of mine and I trust his advice--Hope that clears up some of the questions about who he is and what he is offering.




Oct 7, 2006
ODIN said:
I find the story about using the buss to get to cleaning jobs with his vacuum cleaner and kit with him.

This is a after telling us that his wife and himself left great paying jobs.

Hmmm...not sure how you missed it but he was kidding about the bus.



Oct 7, 2006
Sorry it got cut off. That was my fault as I thought it would continue past one hour. (even though we tried as hard as we could to fit it all within an hour)

He's doing 8 of these. One down, 7 to go.

The point is the way we do business today will likely dramatically change, possibly soon. We're in too big of an industry for the big players to continue overlooking the opportunities.

If you listened to the first one Ivan talked about CRI/SOA and how he believes this is one indicator of Vertical Integration making a re-emergence.

On the restoration side, vendor programs have been the status quo for several years now and they're going through many changes, as is the insurance industry in general.

He used the extinction of the Shade Tree Mechanic and the rapid growth of Walmart as examples of just how vulnerable we are as an industry.

In coming teleseminars, Ivan will talk about several ways to strengthen ones' armor to combat these drastic changes. He will be giving away forms, tips, and marketing ideas for both cleaning and restoration companies, which is extremely generous of him.

The more you hear about him and from him, the more you'll like, I'm sure. He has a lot to offer the industry.

I will be sending another email this weekend that will include the next invitation.



Oct 9, 2006
Good Lord Terry

Not everybody in this business is a bumper smashin deadbeat.



Oct 7, 2006
He can't help himself. He's anti-success.

Odie, do yourself a favor and do NOT listen in any more. Obviously you already know it all!

Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I've known Ivan since the beginning of Internet CC bulletin boards, and met him a couple times at our get-togethers. He's the real deal, and as humble as you will find in this industry.

Like many here, he owes it all to running Banes for years....


Oct 7, 2006
Goodbye, Odin. It must be a hard being you, with all of your hate and vitriol. I don't need it, so pretend we never met and do not contact me again.

For your sake I hope you get help to control your demons. Honest, I do.


Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
Good afternoon guys,

I'd like to start by thanking all of those who did have the chance to listen into last weeks webinar. For those of you who have posted kind words in this thread as well as past threads, I thank you, I truly do!

I'd like to take this opportunity to address a couple of the statements in this particular post;

For Tony, I think I understand where you were coming from regarding your support of the organization and how at times it appears that you get nailed for your support. For this I obviously have little control. I did my best during last weeks webinar to make the point, that in the private sector (non industry) leaders of organizations must be held accountable for their actions, usually by a Board of Directors designated to provide oversight. The only real problem I have with your statement is that is appears as though you try to hold Scott Rendall accountable for what is clearly my opinion. The lesson learned here is that in all future webinars I'll state at the onset that the opinions discussed and reflected in the webinar are the opinions of Ivan Turner, and are not necessarily shared by others. So for that Tony, I am grateful.

Randy, I wholeheartedly agree with your statements. Yes, our industry is filled to the brim with guys wanting to be gurus. And yes there are alot of materials available in the industry that perhaps are little more than rehashed, repackaged materials. So far as the Craig Jasper material that you speak of I've never seen it and have no opinion one way or the other. However, it's interesting that you mention Craig. In last weeks webinar I was going to share a trick I learned from him many years ago at an IICRC Rug cleaning course that I've personally made thousands of dollars from. Unfortunately we had run out of time. I'll try my best to share this technique during the next webinar.

In all the years I've been in the business I've never once purchased materials from anyone in our industry, nor have I ever read any Dan Kennedy material. Even so, this doesn't mean that there aren't excellent materials developed by men and women in our industry. I believe that many have benefited greatly from the handful of guys and gal who sell products to the industry.

Randy, I personally have no aspirations of becoming a Guru. I'm pretty much happy in my own skin and enjoy life just as it is for me, I really do.

For Terry, I really have to believe that the majority of listeners "got" the joke about my having to take the city bus to work each day. I'm sorry that you didn't get it. In fairness to you and others that didn't get it I'm sorry if my delivery was off. I love humor and was doing my best to weave it into the conversation. Hey, it's not the first time my jokes have bombed! :oops:

In closing, when I first decided to do these webinars I was unsure of exactly how I wanted the format to be. I knew I wanted someone to help me that was articulate, funny, and someone who had an in-dept knowledge of our industry. Scott Rendall was the obvious choice to co host these programs.

What bothers me the most is that with all the negativity that was written in this post, very few had the courage and decency to stand up for a guy who has generously given more than anyone else. Scott has been one of the best friends to our industry and yet, when he gets slammed on this board, everyone does the courageous thing and scrolls on by. Here's the kicker for you. Personally, I have very few close friends that are carpet cleaners. I have never frequented this or other industry boards to make pals. The majority of my close friends are not associated with the industry in any way shape or form. Scott on the other hand has hundreds of friends who are carpet cleaners. Yet, once again he comes in here excited about something he is passionate about and that is helping his friends and when he gets drug through the mud his friends hide due to the fact that they are afraid of being confronted by the big bad wolf and his one line degrading comments.

Have a wonderful day,


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Scott on the other hand has hundreds of friends who are carpet cleaners. Yet, once again he comes in here excited about something he is passionate about and that is helping his friends and when he gets drug through the mud his friends hide due to the fact that they are afraid of being confronted by the big bad wolf and his one line degrading comments.

Have a wonderful day,

I have never read a thread in which I thought Scott needed defending or help. He usually takes care of himself pretty well.

That being said I scrolled on by pretty much the entire thread until you posted. I then went and read most of it.

Still don't think he needed any help.

Sorry I missed your first session I will try harder to be at the next one if I get another invite.

Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
Hi Rex,

You know you are correct in that Scott can defend himself. I probably could have and should have worded that much better. I really didn't mean it in a bad way. I may have had one too many Captain and cokes last night. My finger was twitching and hit the send button prematurely :lol:

Have a great day.


p.s. Rex you welcome to listen to any of the webinars. Simply dial in.


Oct 7, 2006
Hey Ivan - No, I knew perfectly well that it was your words and not Scott's. I agree with your sentiments and hope that more of Scott's friends are more like you - he is very conservative, dislikes and is slow to change but hopefully with a bit of prodding will eventually see the light.

Distasteful as the bulletin boards can be they can also help you to refine your presentation so as to pass the "sniff" test and best of all it's free as most of us also really want to help too.

Marty's avatar is finally one that truly relates. :p


Oct 7, 2006
I'll tell everyone exactly why I'm helping Ivan Turner, and this will illustrate exactly what I mean by one of the most generous people I know.

I met Ivan about a year ago, but we didn't speak often. I was busy, he was busy, and we just never had much time to chat.

Last November I called Ivan about a question. I don't even remember what it was about, but it had something to do with restoration.

From that moment, there have been very few days when we haven't spoken w/each other. During some of our conversations he asked me why we weren't heavy into restoration. I told him it was because of the vendor programs. He chuckled and told me how he totally circumvented the vendor programs and that he has grown by leaps and bounds every year w/o being on a single program.

I was all ears and the more I heard the more I realized that he broke this code that he refers to. He figured out ways to be successful without these vendor programs. The only large restoration firms I have seen and worked with in the past were already part of vendor programs. Not Ivan, which is why I'm telling you this guy isn't your everyday guru wannabe, like some think.

Fast forward to March 07, two months ago. I got a call from one of our great residential clients about a very light soot damage they had.

Their insurance carrier has a vendor program and they were trying to railroad my client to use their go-to guy. My client had deep concerns. I could write a book on this, but I know Marty is reading so I'll try to keep it short.

My clients' home is filled with Ch'ing Dynasty art work. The great grandparents were extremely wealthy and owned a mansion in Hong Kong. Over the years the great grandkids inherited all of the relics. My client ended up with hundreds of pieces of museum quality art, and now it had a light coating of soot on it.

So the vendor program restorer submitted his estimate for a RIDICULOUSLY low amount. It was embarrassing, laughable and sad all at the same time. It was hand-written and 10 pages long. It was from a franchise who has been in the area for decades.

My client was extremely uncomfortable with this guy and asked me to scope it, and I did. 42 hours of estimation work later, I came up with a sum that was 3 times larger in $$ than the go-to vendor and consisted of 39 Xactimate pages.

I did not pad the bill, I used what Xactimate allows for regular soot damage (not heavy) cleanup.

Of course the adjuster balked at my estimate and pulled every stunt in the book to get the homeowners to go with their guy. Every trick the adjuster would produce, I contacted Ivan and he stated how he would handle it. I parroted what Ivan told me to say, when to say it, and how.

After almost a month of dragging their heels, the insurance company finally threw in the towel and cut a check for the entire amount to the homeowners. The total loss was at least $100k. I didn't get to see the final bill from all of the contractors, but I'm guessing conservatively knowing what our bill was.

Here are the facts:

The title company didn't need to sign the check, despite what the adjuster told my client before they finally threw in the towel. (Scare tactic # 332)

The adjuster instantly became "buddy buddy" with my client after I "taught" the homeowner some things that Ivan taught me.

The adjuster paid the entire amount up front, before a single contractor got started.

I am telling the God's honest truth. Because of what I said, from what I learned through Ivan Turner, this happened down to the last letter in my post.

It was a big job and we earned every penny. I can state with 100% certainty that if I didn't know Ivan, we wouldn't have gotten the job. I've been around the block for 14 years now in the (primarily) cleaning and (some) restoration industry. I've dealt with adjusters like this guy before but in the past the adjuster was able to railroad the homeowner into choosing their go-to vendor.

Not this time. The tables have turned and it's because I learned how to "crack the code", as Ivan stated. Ivan was there walking me through the process. I found the weak spots and turned them into huge advantages for our company.

I would have agreed to help Ivan even if we hadn't got the job, though. He is the kind of guy that does stuff like this all the time. He DOES know things that many other business owners don't, and is a master of getting his price (not padded, so don't even go there Norweed) on his terms most of the time.

So there you have it. Over the next 7 weeks listeners will learn how to see things in new ways that you can and should use to your advantage. There's never going to be a "slip me a $50 for the goodies". The goodies will be spelled out free of charge.

But Terry, don't listen in because you're looking for some kind of bait and switcheroonie. You'll just end up wasting your time (and everyone's for that matter) because there won't be any.

Ta ta



Feb 2, 2007
Actually the materials I looked at Craig Jasper's seminar was called BRC systems. What a joke. Like I said, I hope they have a money back guarantee.


Oct 7, 2006
That was mean...

sniff sniff.

I need a Ladwig shoulder to cry on.



Oct 7, 2006
...but but but Marty...I put your name in lights. Did ya see it?


PS - No ps's from me.


Feb 2, 2007
Excuse me Mr. T lets be accurate and truthful. I run a NO truckmount business ! My crew has to find their own way to the job site, sometimes on the bus . Unfortunately the local taxi service won't let us load up the trunk with a few CRB's or I wouldn't need the vans to deliver equipment.

But you are right, small time operators like us don't need those high priced advisers. That's for "big time" operators like Steve Cameron the record holder for highest sales in the country (according to his ICS post anyway). Millionaire losers like YOU are whiners.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You guys are too much! :lol:

I can see why Terry and Randy are leery of marketers, just look at some of the big names in our industry and you can see why.

Ivan is not among that group, he is a good guy and is only trying to help others.

Yes, we've all heard heard it before but I believe Ivan. He is trying to make a level playing field for restorers to compete in.

I think if you're looking for help in developing your restoration business you should check out what they are offering. (and I didn't even get the fiddy!) :wink:

Richard 8)

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