Howard Partridge Round Table ( is it worth the $$ )



I have 3 1/2 employees that clean about 3300 carpets a yr.
85% are apartments, 5% commercial, 10% residential. I would like to get rid of some of the apartments and replace them with high end residential.

I would like to do less jobs but make more $$.

I thought about joining the round table to help get this area of my business jump started. I went to the SFS Class last month and learned a ton of useful info that we are starting to implement and I am signed up for the Building Your Business to Retire Wealthy Seminar in Jan in Texas.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
dont know much about the hp program , but i just got out of the apt,s biz ...and i dont really miss it im going for res all the time, not hi end just middle of the road stuff and area rugs.
anyhow i just got the hp email, to join the inner circle and with a couple of "freebies" in the pot he wants bout $3200 up front for the year , i got to pass on that, with the crimbo just round the corner i,ll spend that 3k on presents for the kids first, if i had it.

Rob Lyon

Oct 18, 2006
Northeast Pa
Rob Lyon
Joe, Talk or Pm JB, he has been involved with it!!

All The Best, Rob
PS, How are your things to do going from Strategies!!


Oct 26, 2006
Joe, I've done both.

HPrt, is real good, but you'll pay for EVERYTHING you get, so if your the type that has to pay for something to find value in it, you'll like it. (However if you implement just 10% of what ya learn, you'll make the money back... easy.)

SFS, WAAAAAYYYY more bang FOR THE BUCK! You got a ton of good info. there, the HP & ST will both tell you implementation is the key.

I will say HP, will give you a little more info. on how to get the work ya want.

Call me... 585.259.5467 EST. :wink:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Hi Joe, Rob and John,

Good to see all three of you posting and I will, just like Rob, ask all three of you: "How are you doing with your SFS Action Plan"? Howard, who is also a SFS graduate, talks about FTI. (Failure To Implement.) This is a HUGE challenge for all of us, me included.

The Howard Partridge/ Phenomenal Products question is one I get from both our SFS members and other carpet cleaners. My answer on ANY seminar/ course or coaching program out there is the same as John Burris said:

"(However if you implement just 10% of what ya learn, you'll make the money back... easy.)" If I was still in business today I definitely would at least check out what Howard is offering. (And yes, I am currently following my own advice. See the next paragraph!) IF you get a great ROI on any instruction, does it matter what it costs?

Now re: Howard specifically we're just getting to know each other professionally with our upcoming joint seminar, "Secrets to Building Your Business to Retire Wealthy" in Houston, January 11 and 12th. I'm optimistic about the synergistic possibilities of both of our programs. But check back with me on January 13th! :)

I will say I think this "Retiring Wealthy" seminar is very likely a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame partnered up with Howard and myself. Mr. Gerber is 71 and keeps a very active speaking schedule all over the world. Meanwhile I almost never accept speaking engagements outside of SFS. (Only two this year. The "Retiring Wealthy" conference in Houston just because I was honored to be on the same program with Michael and also in April in Brisbane, Australia because ... well, lets just say Sioux has always wanted to see OZ!)

So I would strongly recommend you at the very least go to
and check out our "Retiring Wealthy" seminar. I call it the "sad little secret" of the carpet cleaning industry. We all make a good living BUT most carpet cleaning businesses never sell, they just wither away. This is so sad, because it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! (I sold my business and retired from full time work at the age of 38 and as all SFS graduates will tell you- I am no genius. I can show you step by step how to do exactly what I did- and I will on January 12th in Houston!)

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS If anyone wants a taste of what we will be talking about in Houston just write me at and ask for my free Special Report: "Cleaning Up: Building Financial Wealth in the Cleaning Industry". I'll e-mail one out to you right away. Include your mailing address if you would like the companion "SFS Concepts" DVD sent to your location.

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