Carpet Cleaning to Solar Electric


Oct 15, 2015
southern california
john vance
I have left the realm of carpetdom and tiledom and many of the other doms to go back to work for my old solar co. here in the San Diego area. However, although I will probably no longer be posting or seeking all of the great wisdom here, I will miss this little blip on my screen of life.

If you ever need solar electric for your home or you know somebody who is looking, send them my way and I will make it VERY worth your while. Just make sure their a homeowner. The 30% Federal Tax Credit was extended a few years down the road and that helps, tremendously. Lots of homeowners like that credit.

Then, you have the PACE program, which oversees the H.E.R.O. program, making it available now for homeowners to pay for solar electric via their property taxes, which helps. Oh, yes and there's the simple fact that it is just a very economically smart thing to do. It may even be fun, especially when you see what solar electric can do to drastically minimize or even completely vaporize your utility bill. The fun part?
When you're able to spend the money saved using solar electric on something FUN!

So, anyway, to those of you who I crossed paths with in here, it was an experience, I enjoyed meeting a few of you - and sharing thoughts is always a good way to go. Well, take care and keep on cleanin'!

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