Any tips to get your website/ Google rank higher?

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
Any tips on how to get your web site and your google/yahoo rank higher.. hoping mark cermak chimes in.. i wanna know what i can do myself without hiring some one to try to do this..

thanks guys..


Jan 27, 2009
C&S said:
Any tips on how to get your web site and your google/yahoo rank higher.. hoping mark cermak chimes in.. i wanna know what i can do myself without hiring some one to try to do this..

thanks guys..

Do you do your own website or do you pay someone to do it?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
A blog does wonders.

Fresh content keeps the bots and spiders form search engines coming back regularly.

Lot of links to other ccing sites help as well.

IMO your site can be well SEO'd and not have to look like the wing ding alphabet soup like a certain young lad puts together

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
ok how do you make a blog? how and where? on my site? or seperatly and linked to my site?


Jan 27, 2009
The first thing is to figure out is where you want to rank higher. DO you want to rank higher when people Google "Carpet Cleaning Meadville, PA" ? If so then you need to make some changes to your website. First I would change the title of your homepage to something like "Meadville PA Carpet Cleaning Service" also Google likes websites with content, so your homepage should have some content with keywords that pertain to carpet cleaning however don't spam your site with keywords because Google doesn't like that. Put some text on your front page stating the towns and zip codes you service instead of that graphic you have in the top left corner. When Google crawls your website it can only read text not pictures. That should help get you up there

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
I agree with the previous post, you need to have the names of the cities you work in on your site. The home page should talk more about the city---I am not from Penn--- so I do not have a clue what cities you work in.

I would personalize it a little bit more also. Pictures of humans You and your wife, you and your equipment---no not that, your cleaning equipment--

I make my living building websites, (I am a SEO guy) I clean carpets as a hobby.---I am not into fancy websites, I am into traffic. I also enjoy leaving a clean carpet behind.


Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008

great advice guys.. some of that i would have never thought of.. my site hasn't been updated in a while. i am thinking about building an addtional site and updating that one..

would having 2 sites help?
Oct 7, 2006
You can do the work yourself, but you need to make sure that makes sense for you and your company in the long run. It's smart business to focus on what you know and do well and to hire others to support you in the other areas. Not many businessmen write their own contracts or legal docs - they get a lawyer to do it. They want to make sure it's done right. Doing it right in the first place saves money in the long run. Outsourcing means getting someone else to do the work for you, properly. It does not mean getting someone to tell you what to do, or how to do things.

That said, ...

There are hundreds of things to do to help your search engine result rankings. Countless books, websites, and college courses on the subject.

Focus on your Title, Description, Header, Original/Unique Copy, and Building Links!

Possibly the best and most effective way for you to increase your own search engine rankings is working to improve your web site’s link popularity. This can be achieved by getting as many quality inbound links as you can (backlinks). It's not just about quantity though, quality backlinks are important. Link popularity is one of the biggest factor used to determine your sites rankings in major search engines.

As Mikey said, FRESH content also helps and a blog is an easy way for most to keep their own content updated.

We ( do offer blog installation, customization and even set up complete WordPress blog websites for anyone interested.

If you are the DIY type, we may have a solution that is perfect for you. How about a FREE blog / website?
Setup your own blog website and join the community for free!

You have been able to set up your own blog for a while now but that’s been pretty hard for many as you need to setup hosting, run installation, download and configure themes and plugins etc.

Now though, we do that all for you… and you are free to grow your blog. Offering both free and paid options, our concept is simple: allow any cleaning business to set up blogs quickly and simply without having to worry about web hosting, server configuration or installation.

This exciting new service offered by, is about to launch and is offering a free website & blog for carpet cleaners.

Cleaners sign up for a free account, and are given full access to a WordPress blog website, and some premium themes and plugins. Within that access, they can establish one blog, or an army of blogs. The only catch at the free level is that each blog sits on our server / domain, not unreasonable for a free service.

Here’s where it gets better. If you want to use your own domain for your blog, you can sign up as a “supporter” starting at $10/ month. The free version may include ads, but you lose these at the $10/ month package. If you don’t want to pay the extra, there’s also an ad sharing program in the works for the free package. (Not all features will be available until official launch)

Already have a website? You can use this blog / website provided by Andrechelle to compliment your existing site, to increase your business' exposure, build backlinks to your website and to help you dominate the search results.

Starting early 2010 we also plan to host weekly / bi-weekly / monthly (schedule not determined yet) live seminars in Club Greenhorn Carpet Cleaners Chat Room on how to use your blog / website. I'm also in the Chat Room daily to help cleaners as much as possible.

If we work together, we can help each other.

Article on website findability

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009

Since you asked I mainly build web sites that make money from Adsense and affiliate programs. I recently sold my bicycle shop to my son. Last year was a good year in the bike business but I made more from my websites with 10% of the work. I have told him he should be building websites not bikes but he is 22 and a college graduate and knows a lot more than his good old dad.

I helped my friend Joe with research on starting his carpet cleaning business --Missoula Green Carpet Cleaning---. We knew very little about carpet cleaning but I knew how to get his site up and ranked. We ---me mostly--- have been all over some of the carpet boards for knowledge and as recreation.

We built-- under my direction--- Missoula Green Carpet Cleaning

Joe likes to play with graphics and he did the video and the graphics on the site.
The keywords we wanted to rank for Missoula Carpet Cleaning, Missoula carpet cleaner, Carpet cleaning missoula, carpet cleaner missoula, It has been 7 months since we started the site and we are #1 for all of these searches in Google. Google is really strange because sometimes they bring your site up fast and other times they stick you at 20 and leave you there. The market size has a lot to do with it also. If you are not in the first 10 for your preferred searches you are too late for dinner.

I do not care about MSN or Yahoo as they are a smaller and smaller part of the search pie. They tend to follow Google anyway.

What I do is pretty simple but takes time. I sub out some of my work but "trust me" I am not a bait and switcher--lol--. My favorite line from any good salesman when they are lying?

Trust Me... or I have 30 years of experience...


I do sell web services to carpet cleaners but since I do not pay to be here that is my free plug.. Thanks for the question Mikey

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