With apologies from Interlink Supply

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
The perfect storm describes the situation where everything comes together to create a problem. That has been happening too often recently at Interlink Supply.

Factor #1 is the merger of computer systems of two large companies. Product information, product numbers, pricing and such for over 120,000 items between Bridgewater and Aramsco is being merged from separate computer systems into one. The computer experts thought it could be done in under a month. I no longer trust computer experts. Looks like it will be 2 more months before this gets resolved.

During this change-over, coordinating the two computer system requires that we disable some function of the website such as calculating freight. So, you can't check frieght on-line right now. Neither can our customer service people. I don't know why that is. I am not a computer expert. If I was, I would not trust myself.

In order to better serve our customers, have what you want available when you want it, our warehouses are being enlarged and new warehouse locations open up. We formerly stocked juts over 5,000 items. Now we will stock over 20,000 items and have ability ot get 100,000 more. Each item needs it spot in the warehouse so it can be picked, put in the box and shipped off to you our customers. As part numbers are being merged and new products added, some items get placed on the wrong shelves. The result is that the wrong items may get put into your order.

Our goal for many years has been to get 99.6% of the orders shipped correctly. We usually met that. For the last few months, we have had inaccuracies on 3% of the orders. That is 9 times too many mistakes!The big majority of our customers are getting what they want. But if you are one the 3% whose order is wrong - I apologize.

At the same time, my role in the company changed and I am not on the boards nearly as often as I used to be. So, if you complained and I did not see your post - I apologize.

I want to help. I want to solve any issues you have with our companies. Please, tag me in a post if you want my help. If that does not get my attention, send me an email - scottw@bridgewatercorp.net.

If necessary, I will post my bosses cell phone and you can call him any time of the day or night to complain or suggest he let me spend more time back on the forums.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
The perfect storm describes the situation where everything comes together to create a problem. That has been happening too often recently at Interlink Supply.

Factor #1 is the merger of computer systems of two large companies. Product information, product numbers, pricing and such for over 120,000 items between Bridgewater and Aramsco is being merged from separate computer systems into one. The computer experts thought it could be done in under a month. I no longer trust computer experts. Looks like it will be 2 more months before this gets resolved.

During this change-over, coordinating the two computer system requires that we disable some function of the website such as calculating freight. So, you can't check frieght on-line right now. Neither can our customer service people. I don't know why that is. I am not a computer expert. If I was, I would not trust myself.

In order to better serve our customers, have what you want available when you want it, our warehouses are being enlarged and new warehouse locations open up. We formerly stocked juts over 5,000 items. Now we will stock over 20,000 items and have ability ot get 100,000 more. Each item needs it spot in the warehouse so it can be picked, put in the box and shipped off to you our customers. As part numbers are being merged and new products added, some items get placed on the wrong shelves. The result is that the wrong items may get put into your order.

Our goal for many years has been to get 99.6% of the orders shipped correctly. We usually met that. For the last few months, we have had inaccuracies on 3% of the orders. That is 9 times too many mistakes!The big majority of our customers are getting what they want. But if you are one the 3% whose order is wrong - I apologize.

At the same time, my role in the company changed and I am not on the boards nearly as often as I used to be. So, if you complained and I did not see your post - I apologize.

I want to help. I want to solve any issues you have with our companies. Please, tag me in a post if you want my help. If that does not get my attention, send me an email - scottw@bridgewatercorp.net.

If necessary, I will post my bosses cell phone and you can call him any time of the day or night to complain or suggest he let me spend more time back on the forums.

...always the class act

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
If necessary, I will post my bosses cell phone and you can call him any time of the day or night to complain or suggest he let me spend more time back on the forums.
I'm happy to know your Corporate Titans have a sense of humor.

You have to recognize that software people all use the same gambit: They can absolutely do anything you want, until you run out of money and they have to move on to the next victim. We're six months past due on a "six month build" and they don't even bother to lie anymore about how much longer it will take.

Good luck!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I'm happy to know your Corporate Titans have a sense of humor.
You have to recognize that software people all use the same gambit: They can absolutely do anything you want, until you run out of money and they have to move on to the next victim. We're six months past due on a "six month build" and they don't even bother to lie anymore about how much longer it will take.
Good luck!

...I thought it was just "my" software people :madder:
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Thanks for the update Scott, my last two orders were processed perfectly and ontime so I guess I am part of the 97%

Stinks to be a 3%er but better them than me ....

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