Web site blog

Sep 7, 2008
How hard is it to add a blog to a website, and what would be a fair price to pay someone to set one up?

My IT guy wants to do one but I think his price is a bit steep.

I need some more info like how long it takes to set one up and how much time and labor is involved etc. so I can have some valid reasons why I should get a better rate.
Sep 7, 2008
FCC said:
if i did it the easy way and justmade it look like your site with working nav it would take me about an hour

if I did it the right way and made a theme that you could migrate your entire site to in the future.......just pay the man

I agree and have no problem paying for good work.

He wants 465 to do a blog, but if it is only going to take two hours for a programer in India making less than minimium wage here that price may be a bit steep. Besides there is nothing wrong with negotiating a better rate. All the programing and design work is outsourced to India. Still they know what they are doing and I am happy.

I just wanted some feedback.


What was used to design your website? (wordpress, yahoo site builder, joomla?) If you have access to your website through and admin login, it's as easy as adding a page called "blog" in 2 minutes or less.
Sep 7, 2008
I am going see if they can implement some videos I plan on having made and the blog for 450. I think that is fair and will not pay more than that.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Wordpress is FREE. I have set up 3 wordpress blogs - and I'm a computer-dork. It is super easy to learn from their platform - they have great help files. My rug chick blog is on wordpress, it can be a simple or as elaborate as you want (the LA Times website is on the wordpress platform).

The TIME to take will be to create the content. I personally would never hand over all control of my site to any web company unless you know you can trust them, and they will be around for a long time. When they design your site and words the site is THEIR copyright and intellectual property - not yours UNLESS you have a contract signed to state that. This means if you give this guy photos and ideas and have him set up your site - it's his by law, not yours, even if you paid for it.

I would learn enough to understand how to get this done, and post, and make sure all domains and admin are tied to you.

That said - if he wants 465 to save you a day or two of your time to try to learn from scratch - might be worth it. But you could probably find a local kid to do it for you for less.



ALL of rotovacs new websites are wordpress (aka blog) websites. once the bots and the asian content builders find it you will always be able to get good updates. im fer it.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
MarkCermak said:
Andrechelle sets up blogs starting at $99 and also offers complete packages including domain, hosting, etc.

WordPress Website Packages

or sign up for a free blog for carpet cleaners at iCleanYourCarpet.com

Nice selection of options. It would really be cool if you had links beside each package/option with "like this!" and show what you've created for others. Some people who are not tech-savvy might read all of the options and not know what to buy. Maybe even a checklist where you click what you think you need - and it tells you which package is best.

Just some ideas... to help sell more. =)

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