Impeccably great timing to give this estimate today

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I was all packed up and ready to ride down to our cabin to see it for the first time this year in survey any potential snow damage, which there was none when a neighbor from over The ridge called to get an estimate on their rather unique home.

I'm convinced I'm going to need to stay in that bunk room one night after doing the carpet to tackle all that slate flagstone the next day.

She was convinced it was all granite and has touted that this information to families neighbors husbands and otherwise and now I regret telling her otherwise...
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I have often pondered the dilemma of telling people the truth when it comes to being sold misrepresented items.

Issues regarding proper care and expected results often push me to letting them know.

A veteran of the Gulf War who proudly showed me his “genuine oriental silk rug” I let believe that it was such. It was polypropylene. He hung it on his wall, it would likely never be cleaned, and he had endured enough horrors over there that he didn’t need to know he was ripped off on top of it all.

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