for once I'm speechless..


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2011
I have used my Makita before on stairs. I like the agitation of the Oreck Orbiter better.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
So this tool is meant primarily for folks who are inclined to pre-scrub residential but more importantly for those that don't pre-scrub because bringing in a big machine into a home (especially cramped upstairs condos) is just too much of a hassle.

We tried the Oreck Orbitor in our business and it was just o.k. We think this is a big improvement over that.

As a pedigree Porty hack myself functioning in a big city environment, I am at times limited in the tools I am able to utilize on a job site because of the distance between my parked van, and the unit I am both linear distance as well as VERTICAL distance, as in a most high-rise units.

Although I love my Orbiter, it is not always practical to retrieve it, and often hard to "roll" with it included in my arsenal, so I do believe Bill has hit on a key point as far as who his target market is.

Not sure if this is the perfect solution.

OBVIOUSLY there are better options if your truck is ten feet from the door, but before passing judgment, remember, yes it is very small, but it is small for a reason, and not for everyone, but for the niche customer who needs something very compact and very portable..

The handle being paired to a separate, well known recognizable unit, does appear somewhat odd, which may not help the overall perception of the device, as it may support the "back yard" comments, but in reality, no customer is going to care in the end.

A similar custom drive head connected to an adjustable, pivoting, long removable handle might solve this "image" issue.

It's always nice to see a new member join under such conditions and not get all puzzy hurt because of a little criticism.


Supportive Member
Feb 25, 2014
So Cal
Bill Sabia
So, yes the Oreck Orbiter is your competition for first time scrubbers.

Why is this better?

Good question.

3 reasons it's better.

1. Better scrubbing. This is mostly from observation so you may consider it anecdotal but our tool scrubs better. Here's my theory; We assume that the Orbiter scrubs better because it hits the carpet fiber from all sides, or at least multiple sides. But I'm not sure that's true if you are simultaneously pushing the Orbter across a room. Seems like under that situation you are only hitting the fiber from one side then moving on and hitting it from another side. The scrubbing amounts to a vibration rather than a long stroke on the fiber. But this is all just my theory trying to explain why we observe that our tool scrubs better.

2. Agility.Because our tool uses rotary action instead of orbital, it maneuvers across the room easily just like the big rotaries. Pull handle up it goes left. Push handle down it goes right. But remember you can crank it up to a higher speed so that it moves even quicker than a big machine. That's why open areas are no big deal we just zip across them and stop on a dime where the dirt is. We take the typical precautions against burning carpet especially on berbers and low loop .

3. Scrubbing stair risers. Much harder to do with the Orbiter.

4. Scrubbing grout lines. You can draw a grout brush down a grout line at 1,500 RPM (be sure to us the fling ring) it cuts the dirt like butter. Orbiter can't do that.

I have left out the best attribute of this machine. It's just plain fun to use. When was the last time you actually had fun pre-scrubbing carpet or grout?
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Gonna look like a convict swinging a weed eater on the dirty street patrol : )

With The Urban Tactical Buffer Sling, nifty idea!
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Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Okay I'll be the first to say it.

It looks like a POS and very unprofessional to have a customer see you using it.

You might get away with it using it in ghetto homes but I would be embarrased to bring it in the house.

It's just like RiCkY G pushing a electric drill and putting a overpriced scrub brush on it.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
It wouldn't embarass me to use it on steps but I'd tend to agree with Jimmy. No matter how great it might work, its looks hackish.

Maybe no one would care in vacants or apts but thats not our market. We work in middle to upper income and appearance matters. It just lacks a level of professional appearance. So much so that we would not buy it off appearance alone.

That's not saying cleaners won't buy it. Obviously there is a market out there you are serving or you would not have sold so many already. Good for you!

However if my competition trotted one out I think I'd market against him with "we don't use this, we use this".
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Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle

Where do you guys work most of the time? (Santa Ana? Anacrime? Costa Messs..a?)

Your company name and images with the barbed wire look makes me feel a little uneasy. Is this purposely what you were going for or is it just me reading into it?

"We clean where others don't" I know you probably (prolly- for yimmy) are pointing out your scrubbing along baseboards etc but to me it seems like (with the wire fence in the picture) that you guys work in jails and /or some pretty tough neighborhoods.

Nothing wrong with it...just wondering out loud...
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Okay I'll be the first to say it.

It looks like a POS and very unprofessional to have a customer see you using it.

You might get away with it using it in ghetto homes but I would be embarrased to bring it in the house.

It's just like RiCkY G pushing a electric drill and putting a overpriced scrub brush on it.

Hey i bought one of those things :icon_redface:

I agree looks homemade and lame.
Doesnt mean the inventor is a bad person or can't sell 1000 of them.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
No I never intended to insinuate that. Bill seems like a very nice guy and has come across something that works for him as we as other. It looks like a nitch market, not mainstream.

Nothing at all wrong with it, just not for us. I wish him well with it.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
just another tool in the tool not meant to scrub out a 2k ft fact when you take a 175 you scrub the whole thing??? and stairs with it??? and i bet it gives a better scrub down then a rake in the traffic areas...

and yes the guy is super nice, met with him and he appeared to be very genuine...

and oh it looks like this thread is kinda like this one....12 hrs or so sooner..kinda funny huh??
Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
For the price , not a bad little item. Many times I only need a little scrub on one or two small areas, and it's a huge pain to haul in my 100 pound 175 for just one small area.

I could see having this thing tucked away in the van, only to be pulled out on rare occasion when it's needed. Also I think it would be nice for apartment work rather then hauling a 100 pound scrubber up 2 flights of stairs.

Don't mind having a tool sitting collecting dust it it's not to expensive.


Supportive Member
Feb 25, 2014
So Cal
Bill Sabia
As a pedigree Porty hack myself functioning in a big city environment, I am at times limited in the tools I am able to utilize on a job site because of the distance between my parked van, and the unit I am both linear distance as well as VERTICAL distance, as in a most high-rise units.

Although I love my Orbiter, it is not always practical to retrieve it, and often hard to "roll" with it included in my arsenal, so I do believe Bill has hit on a key point as far as who his target market is.

Not sure if this is the perfect solution.

OBVIOUSLY there are better options if your truck is ten feet from the door, but before passing judgment, remember, yes it is very small, but it is small for a reason, and not for everyone, but for the niche customer who needs something very compact and very portable..

The handle being paired to a separate, well known recognizable unit, does appear somewhat odd, which may not help the overall perception of the device, as it may support the "back yard" comments, but in reality, no customer is going to care in the end.

A similar custom drive head connected to an adjustable, pivoting, long removable handle might solve this "image" issue.

It's always nice to see a new member join under such conditions and not get all puzzy hurt because of a little criticism.

Brother I'll be honest with you;

That is one articulate set of thoughts you just expressed above.

No offense, please don't take this the wrong way, but is that really a picture of you in your Avatar?
Cause if it is I just learned a lesson in stereotyping.

Thanks for keeping an open mind.


Supportive Member
Feb 25, 2014
So Cal
Bill Sabia
Has Guerkink heard your Orbital theory yet?

Is 300 rpms the top speed on a Makita?

That's is a Makita, right?

It's whatever polisher or grinder you want since we sell the handle alone or with a motor. But the motor shown in the video is not a Makita. The folks that buy from Stone Pro use mostly the Makita 9227C which works perfectly with the handle

Most of these tools are variable speed from 0 to at least 1,500 rpm. So the max speed is whatever you need for the job.


Supportive Member
Feb 25, 2014
So Cal
Bill Sabia

Where do you guys work most of the time? (Santa Ana? Anacrime? Costa Messs..a?)

Your company name and images with the barbed wire look makes me feel a little uneasy. Is this purposely what you were going for or is it just me reading into it?

"We clean where others don't" I know you probably (prolly- for yimmy) are pointing out your scrubbing along baseboards etc but to me it seems like (with the wire fence in the picture) that you guys work in jails and /or some pretty tough neighborhoods.

Nothing wrong with it...just wondering out loud...

That's the company we market the tool under. Meant to appeal to younger, edgier cleaners not the homeowner.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Brother I'll be honest with you;

That is one articulate set of thoughts you just expressed above.

No offense, please don't take this the wrong way, but is that really a picture of you in your Avatar?
Cause if it is I just learned a lesson in stereotyping.

Thanks for keeping an open mind.

lol, that Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver.


Supportive Member
Feb 25, 2014
So Cal
Bill Sabia
Okay I'll be the first to say it.

It looks like a POS and very unprofessional to have a customer see you using it.

You might get away with it using it in ghetto homes but I would be embarrased to bring it in the house.

It's just like RiCkY G pushing a electric drill and putting a overpriced scrub brush on it.

Hail Caesar!

My guys brag about the tool to the customer. We show it off. It's unique and it looks really nice in person. We do follow-up calls after every job and specifically ask about the tool. The customers love them. Several customers have purchased them from us. And we work in some of the nicest homes in Southern California.

As far as "POS" it's all heavy duty steel with cut and weld construction, the welds are all clean and smooth with powder coating throughout. It's built like a tank.
One year warranty on the motor and 2 years on the handle.

So how do you conclude "POS" and never even touched one?
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